5 Common Study Problems Firefighters Have and How To Overcome Them

Having a productive study session when you begin your firefighter promotional exam prep can be difficult. There are so many things that get in the way and make studying so difficult. If you really want to pass your firefighter promotional exam now is the time to face those problems. 

  1. Unprepared

The biggest study problem for adults who are jumping back into the books is being unprepared when you sit down to study. You may not have the textbooks, or paper and pens or a laptop to take notes on. You don’t need a lot of supplies to study for your firefighter promotional exam, but you do need some things to be successful. You may not have read the material yet and therefore have nothing to review. There is also a chance that you just have no idea where to begin when you start studying. Studying is a skill like any other. You need to come to your study sessions prepared. Make a game plan before you start, set goals on what you’d like to accomplish and be willing to adjust those goals after some time as you learn more about your study habits. Get the basics before you even begin, something to take notes on, the textbooks required, think about places you’d like to study and so on. There is so much information on the internet about studying and best methods, so go review it, look over articles on how to take the most effective notes and so on. It may seem like a waste of time, but will likely save you time in the end. This way when you sit down to start studying you can make the most of your time. 

  1. Low Motivation

A huge thing that gets in the way of studying for the firefighter promotional exam is a lack of motivation. You may have career goals and financial goals for yourself but actually getting the motivation to sit down and study can be so hard when you are leading a busy life. You have to remember those goals you have set for yourself, but also remember this is temporary. Studying for your firefighter promotional exam has an end date, so give it the time it needs for you to pass the first time. If you don’t, you’ll have to spend even more time retaking the test and studying all over again. A great way to stay motivated is to reward yourself for your accomplishments as you go. Set small study goals for yourself and celebrate when they are reached.

  1. Distractions

A major influence in a productive study session is reducing distractions. Everything and everyone is at your fingertips and getting distracted while you study is easier than ever. Choose your study space wisely. If you get distracted by people, don't study in a public space like a coffee shop. If you are going to be distracted by the internet, don’t use your computer to study and hide your phone from yourself. If you can’t focus when you study at home because you just think about all the stuff you need to get done there, find another spot. You have more control than you realize in preventing distractions. So before you sit down and study, be proactive and figure out what you need to do for yourself to create a productive, distraction free study session. 

  1. Bored

A major study problem that prevents people from productivity is boredom. You are a firefighter, you like moving your body and running into action, so sitting down and studying can be extremely difficult for you. Remember, you chose a career in firefighting for a reason, one of which is likely because you enjoy it. Even if reading a textbook is incredibly boring, remember what you are doing, you are becoming more knowledgeable at a craft you love and getting promoted in the fire service. The hard work will pay off in the end.  

  1. Feelings of Uncertainty

A great way to bring a study session to a halt and even make you lose your mind a bit, is uncertainty. You are studying for a test but there is no teacher. There is no one telling you if what you are doing is right or wrong. No one is telling you what you need to study or if what you are studying will be on the firefighter promotional exam. You are doing this alone. This uncertainty of what to study may make you feel a little uneasy. Now you can reach out to others who have taken the promotional exam and ask them for guidance. If they are willing they may give you some insight to what was on their exam.  Another great way to combat this is online practice tests, that will tell you whether you got the answer right or not. Unfortunately, uncertainty comes with the territory when studying for your firefighter promotional exam, so make sure you study thoroughly, this will help keep the feelings of uncertainty at bay and make sure you ace your promotional exam. 

The Takeaway

Studying for your firefighter promotional exam is a time consuming endeavor that comes with many challenges. You have the ability to take on all of these challenges and conquer them so long as you take the exam seriously and put the time and effort into studying that it requires.