What Your Study Plan Should Look Like 48 Hours Before You Take the Firefighter Promotional Exam

As your firefighter promotional exam approaches and you chug away at your firefighter promotional exam prep, it can feel overwhelming as the test date gets closer. Here’s what you should be doing in the 48 hours prior to taking your firefighter promotional exam to ensure you ace the test. 

48 Hours Before

When you reach the 48 hours mark before your firefighter promotional exam, you should not have much left to study. You should know your stuff and have it down pat. Not everyone can achieve that though so at this point you must identify any and all problem areas. Areas you have been struggling with or need to review more. Spend some time reviewing whatever you need to, take a couple of online practice tests, but don’t dwell on it. You don’t want to get stressed out because that will make any retention at this point basically impossible. 

You do not want to cram! It will just lead to more stress and confusion come testing day. 

Make sure you are also eating lots of healthy foods at this point to help your brain get a little extra boost. Junk food, sugary drinks, and alcohol will bog you down come test day. 

24 Hours Before

At this point I recommend one final review, but then stop. You still should not be cramming. Trying to learn in the last 24 hours before your exam will be ineffective. You should be focusing on test day. Make sure you have any and all materials you will need, pens, pencils, identification, and anything else they may ask you to bring. Make a checklist and stick it on your front door and review it before you leave the house. 

Verify the time and the location of the firefighter promotional exam. Do a drive by of the testing location if you have never been there to make sure you know exactly where you’re going. You do not want to be frazzled when you get to your exam because you had to rush after getting lost, or worse get there late and be unable to take the test at all. 

Set your alarm. Make sure you have your alarm set for the next day, or maybe even two. Don’t be afraid to ask your spouse or a friend to check on you and make sure you are awake. 

Try to relax before bed. Go for a walk, work out, do whatever you need to do to feel calm and collected. 

Go to bed early. Sleep is critical the night before an exam. Whatever you do, do not stay up all night studying. Even if you feel like you need to study more, I assure you sleep is more important than cramming in the last stretch. This way your brain will be in tip top shape when you sit down to take your firefighter promotional exam. 

Test Day

Eat a healthy breakfast, get in the zone, and ace that test

The Takeaway

Preparing for your firefighter promotional exam should be a marathon, not a sprint. Do not think you can begin studying two days before your test and pass it. The last two days you should focus on any final review and keeping a calm and healthy state of mind.