We cover a wide range of helpful topics all geared around helping you have more success as you study for your next promotion.
Your Local Public Library May Be the Best Place to Study For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
What better place to learn than in a library? One of your priorities when studying for a fire department promotion test should be to find an environment that sets you up for success.
How to Avoid Doing The Worst Thing You Can Do During a Firefighter Promotion Process
The firefighter promotional testing process is a competitive process, but it is important to remember that you are competing against yourself and the test. Do get distracted by outside noise that can detract from achieving your goal of promotion.
Become A More Open Minded Leader As You Begin Your Firefighter Promotional Exam Journey
A change in rank due to a promotion is a great opportunity to reevaluate your leadership style and make improvements. Being open minded to grow as a leader is not as easy as it sounds, it is a skill that can be improved though.
The Job You Dreamed of in the Fire Service For So Long Is Finally Yours, 4 Reasons Why The Transition May Not Go As Smooth As You Hoped
You have thought about the promotion a lot, but have you thought about how the transition will go? Transitioning to a new position can be tricky so you better be prepared when you walk in on day one.
Stay Healthy This Season To Maximize Your Firefighter Promotion Study Time & Enjoy the Holidays
We all should probably be doing all these things year-round anyways. Here is a reminder for you if you are hitting crunch time with your studying while trying to enjoy the holidays at the same time.
Listening Like A Leader in the Fire Service in 6 Steps
Listening is a leadership skill that fire service leaders need to master to be effective. Follow these steps to improve your listening and become a better leader.
SMART Goal Setting To Study For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Having the goal to get promoted is great but you need goal setting throughout the process to ensure your success. Now is your chance to become familiar with a tried and true goal setting practice.
5 Common Study Problems Firefighters Have and How To Overcome Them
A lot of firefighters studying for a promotion have either been out of school for a long-time or never went to college after high school. This leaves our study skills rusty and in need of some touchup so we can pass the promotion exam.
Improve Your Executive Functioning Skills to Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
During your firefighter promotion journey your executive functioning skills will be put to the test, so let’s explore ways to strengthen them so you can pass your promotion test.
4 Degrees For the Firefighter That Wants to Become a Leader in the Fire Service
In the fire service, sometimes a degree is required for a promotion to a leadership position. Other times just getting a degree helps you become a better leader and better prepared to lead your fire department.
6 Mistakes You Must Avoid On Your Firefighter Promotion Application
It may seem silly to have to apply for a promotion at your own department, but this is a very important step to pay attention to. Don't mess up your chance for a promotion by making a mistake during the application process.
The Importance of Self Care As Your Firefighter Promotional Journey Begins
If self care is not a part of your regular routine now, then while you are studying for a fire promotion test is the perfect time. Your body and your brain need rest so they can grow and rejuvenate.
5 Bonus Skills From Having A College Degree On Your Resume As You Promote in the Fire Service
Getting a degree will look good on your resume as you begin to promote even if it is not required by your department. By getting your degree you will also gain these 5 skills that will help you promote during your career.
6 Mnemonic Devices To Help You Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Not sure what a mnemonic device is? Then you should probably read this blog to improve your chances of successfully studying for your fire promotion test.
Mistakes Can Be The Key To Success With The Firefighter Promotional Exam Process
We are all human and we all make mistakes. Be rest assured, you will make a mistake at some point during your promotional process. Be resilient and prove you are the right one for the job.
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