We cover a wide range of helpful topics all geared around helping you have more success as you study for your next promotion.
6 Natural Energy Boosters to Use While Studying For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Studying, more importantly learning, takes focus and effort. Find whatever works for you to energize your study sessions. Here are some options that may help you focus so you can improve your score on your fire department promotion test.
7 Study Habits To Avoid If You Want to Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
If you want to pass your firefighter promotional exam you must make it a priority and not put it off. Getting back into a study routine after likely not studying since testing to be a firefighter can be extremely difficult.
5 Tips to Successfully Delegate As A Newly Promoted Officer In the Fire Service
Leadership becomes more and more prevalent the more times you promote. A key tool for effective leadership is delegation. Developing your delegation skills is important for the promotional process, but more importantly for once you are promoted in the fire service.
3 Reasons Delegating is Essential to Your Success As a Newly Promoted Fire Officer
Delegation is a basic skill of management that is taught in every fire service textbook. Do not forget this essential skill when you step up into your new position. None of us can do it all by ourselves, so find yourself some reliable help.
4 Everyday Activities You Must Be Doing to Support Your Mental Health As A Firefighter Looking to Promote
Taking care of yourself is always a top priority. Don't forget to keep your mental health in mind when you are busy preparing for a promotion test. It is too easy to let our self-care go when facing a tough challenge like a promotion process.
4 Tips For Being the Best Mentor You Can Be In the Fire Service
It is your responsibility as you move up in the ranks of the fire service to tee it up for the next generation coming behind you. You need to enable them and assist them in continuing the push to make your fire department a better organization. Take the time to become a better leader and a better mentor, it is your job.
3 Basic Communication Skills to Master to Promote to a Fire Officer
Communication is necessary to become an effective fire officer, but also you must be a good communicator to get through the promotional process to earn the promotion in the first place. Focusing on your communication skills, emphasis on skills, is imperative for success in your career as a firefighter.
Motivation vs. Discipline and Why You Need Both if You Want to Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
You cannot become disciplined in your study habits and pass your fire department promotion test if you are not motivated from the beginning. Discipline and motivation are required to meet your goals in your fire career.
The Planning Fallacy & The Effect it Has on Your Promotion in the Fire Service
Planning and taking a long-term approach to your promotion preparation are key to success. You must be realistic and take an assessment of everything that is going on in your life so you can plan enough time to succeed. Don't let the planning fallacy get in the way of your goals and dreams!
How to Handle Test Anxiety in the Middle of Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Inevitably something will come up during the testing process that will catch you off guard and throw you off your game. Be ready for it by being aware that it will happen then have a strategy in place to handle test anxiety when it comes up during your firefighter promotion test.
4 Tips to Overcome Procrastination While Studying For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Don't let yourself get in the way of your dreams. You are in charge of your journey, so don't slip up when it counts the most. Use these helpful tips to help you keep moving forward towards your goal of a fire department promotion.
Why All Nighters are the Worst Way to Study For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
As firefighters we have too many nights of no sleep already. Don't fall for this poor college tactic of studying. Get your rest and be smart about planning your fire promotion test prep during normal hours.
The 4 Steps to a Successful Firefighter Promotional Exam Study Session
Prioritizing and planning a time block to study is paramount to successful study sessions. Here is a simple framework to help make sure you maximize your study sessions for fire department promotion exam prep.
3 Reasons You Must Avoid Multitasking While You Study For the Firefighters Promotional Exam
Multitasking could destroy your chances at passing your fire department promotion test. If you needed more convincing that multitasking is bad, then this article is for you.
The Importance of Continuing Education if You Want to Be Promoted in the Fire Service
Continually learning throughout your career will only benefit you. Even if you do not currently think you want to promote an education can payoff if you change your mind in the future. Plus, continuing education keeps your learning and studying skills sharp for that promotion prep!
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