We cover a wide range of helpful topics all geared around helping you have more success as you study for your next promotion.
5 Stress Management Tips to Get You Through the Firefighter Promotion Process
Stress is almost a guarantee during a promotion process, but don't let it get the best of you. Have a plan in place on how to handle your stress so you can excel on test day!
7 Study Don'ts If You Want to Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam the First Time
It is important to know what you should be doing when studying for your fire promotion test, but equally important is knowing what you shouldn't be doing. Here we provide you a list of things to make sure you are not doing with your valuable time.
How Parkinson’s Law Will Help You Make the Most of Your Time Spent Studying For the Firefighter Promotional Exam
Procrastinators are more likely drag out their study sessions and make them longer than necessary because they have the time to do so. Let’s explore Parkinson’s Law and see if we can change that waste of time.
Why A Year End Review Might Be the Key to Passing the Firefighter Promotional Exam Next Year
Completing a year end review can help you see where you are now and where you need to be to get the promotion you want. Take the time to invest in yourself by seeing where you have gone in the last year. This is one of the most valuable things you can do every year.
Prioritize Your Health So You Will Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam, Here’s Why
Not only is it important to be in good health for your promotion test so you perform well, but don't you want to be in a good place to enjoy your new position? Taking care of your health is a long-term game that you should continue while you seek a promotion.
Take Notes For Your Fire Promotion Test Like an Expert With These 4 Tips
The more mediums that you can process information through the better you will be able to retain that information. One of the ways to see and learn the material is through taking good notes.
4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Firefighter Promotion Study Session With Retrieval Practice
Retrieval practices can be one of the best study methods to use as you study for your firefighter promotional exam. Be sure to incorporate some retrieval practices into your study sessions.
Pomodoro Technique Explained & Why it Will Help You Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
If you need a time management tool to help you stay on track while studying for your fire department promotion test give pomodoro a chance. If you are someone that gets easily distracted this might be the tool for you to earn your promotion.
5 Things to Do to Help You Get in the Mood to Study For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Getting in the mood to start and have a successful study session for your fire department promotion test may be difficult. Next time you are not feeling into studying, try using these tips to help you get started.
To Pass Your Firefighter Promotional Exam Skip the Sugar This Holiday Season
It is not just the studying that has an effect on your promotional testing. Every aspect of your life can either help or hurt you on your journey to get promoted. That includes what you eat, so pay attention this holiday season if you have a promotion test coming up!
The Importance of Self-Evaluation if You Want to Get Promoted in the Fire Service
This is where preparation begins, with yourself. If you do not know where you currently are then you cannot know how to get where you want to be. This is just important in the promotion process as it is in your personal life.
4 Things That Could Automatically Disqualify You From Promotion in the Fire Service
Getting promoted in the fire service is a process with many steps that requires attention to detail. Don’t let that firefighter promotion slip away from you by doing one of these four things that automatically disqualify you.
5 Ways to Keep Firefighter Team Morale Up During a Leadership Change Due to Promotion in the Fire Service
Moving up in the fire service ranks can be a challenging time. Whether you are the one getting promoted or if it is a new boss for you, change is always hard in leadership positions. Be sure to help yourself and your crews during times of change.
Tips & Tricks For Studying For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam While Under the Weather
Don't let being sick get in the way of your goal of getting promoted in the fire service. Keep pressing forward with your work but remember to take extra care of yourself by following these tips!
“Pretending” to Be A Teacher is the Best Way to Study For the Firefighter Promotional Exam
Teaching a topic is one of the best ways to learn a topic. What about if you just pretend to teach? Let's take a look to see if you can gleam some of the same benefits of teaching when you pretend to teach so you can do your best on your fire department promotion test.
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