We cover a wide range of helpful topics all geared around helping you have more success as you study for your next promotion.
4 Things to Do the Day of Your Firefighter Promotional Exam and a Couple Things To Avoid
Have a plan in place for the morning of your firefighter promotional exam.
Financial Benefits of Taking the Firefighter Promotional Exam
Get an idea of how much of an increase in pay you can expect if you decide promoting is right for you.
5 Reasons to Build a Study Team as You Prepare For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Build a study team to help you study and succeed with your firefighter promotional exam.
3 Reasons To Time Yourself While Taking Your Firefighter Promotional Exam Practice Tests
The old saying 'train like you play' applies to taking a fire promotional exam, not just emergency responses.
4 Ways to Keep Your Partner Happy While You Prepare For Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Don't burn your relationship to get promoted. Preplan your studying with your partner so you still have them when you're promoted.
What is a Situational Judgement Test & 3 Tips to Help You Crush This Portion of Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
What a situation judgement test is and how to prepare for one in your firefighter promotional exam process.
4 Tips To Help You Breeze Through Your Firefighter Promotional Exam Textbooks
You are going to have to read the books to pass your test, might as well make it easier on yourself with these tips.
4 Firefighter Promotional Exam Textbook Questions — Answered
If you’re studying for your firefighter promotional exam, there is no getting around the books.
4 Best Practices Before Handing In Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Follow these five best practices before handing in your firefighter promotional exam to help ensure your success.
6 Study Space Must-Haves for Your Firefighter Promotional Exam Prep
It may seem trivial, but the space you use for your firefighter promotional exam prep actually plays a significant role in your success.
New Fire Officer Practice Test Questions Added From IFSTA Chief Officer, 4th Edition!
We just added 797 fire officer practice test questions from IFSTA Chief Officer, 4th Edition to FiredUp’s online test bank of questions.
Brain Boost: 4 Foods to Eat Before Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Eating breakfast will not only help you stay focused on your firefighter promotional exam, it’ll actually improve your brain function.
Fire Officer Promotional Exam Questions from Norman’s Handbook of Tactics, 5th Ed.
FiredUp has just completed adding 981 practice test questions from John Norman’s Fire Officer Handbook of Tactics, 5th Edition.
Two Reasons a Suit (or Dress) is Non-Negotiable When you Take your Firefighter Promotional Exam
What you wear matters. Spend some time picking out the perfect outfit to wear the day of your firefighter promotional exam.
Three Ways to Sleep Your Way to Success on Your Firefighter Promotional Exam
Let sleep aid you in your promotion studies so it doesn't become the enemy during this time.
Showing 166 to 180 of 203 results